We are required by law to collect sales tax on certain products in those states that require such collection. Each state has its own sales tax laws. Please review the sales tax information for your state. If other retailers are not charging sales tax per these laws, you may be liable for the payment of such tax to the state.

The premiums on our products are based on the mint of origin, the complexity of the design, and the uniqueness of the product. Also, our selling price for a product is determined by the price for which we purchased that product. Some items cost us more to buy; in turn, those items will cost our customers more. Conversely, if a mint charges us less for an item, we pass those savings along to our customers.

Our prices are set by taking the current spot price plus a premium. The premiums on our products are based on the mint of origin, the complexity of the design, and the uniqueness of the product. Also, our selling price for a product is determined by the price for which we purchased that product. Some items cost us more to buy; in turn, those items will cost our customers more. Conversely, if a mint charges us less for an item, we pass those savings along to our customers.

When you pay with a paper check or bank wire transfer, you will need to provide credit/debit card information to lock in the current pricing. Your card will not be charged. When you pay with a credit/debit card, PayPal or ACH, your price is locked in automatically at checkout.

Once you advance to Checkout, your prices are locked in and displayed on the right side of the checkout form. These prices are held for ten (10) minutes while you complete the checkout process. If you take longer than ten (10) minutes to complete the checkout process, you will have the option to approve the new, updated prices before finalizing your order.

We offer a 4% discount to those paying with bank wire, ACH, and paper check. The credit/debit card and PayPal price is our regular price. The discounts are not called out separately but are automatically adjusted when you choose your payment method.

The prices of precious metals are constantly fluctuating. As those prices go up and down, the prices of our products adjust accordingly. Since the market is always moving, product prices are subject to change at any time, even if they are already in your cart. Also keep in mind, you must first select your payment method in your shopping cart before the correct pricing is revealed. The default cart price is going to be the credit/debit card or PayPal price, which is the regular, non-discounted price.


Because prices are not locked in until you click “Checkout Now,” the best way to be certain you have up-to-the-second pricing information is to refresh your cart. To do so, go to your shopping cart and either click the icon with the circular arrow at the top of your browser next to the address bar or hold down both the Control (Ctrl) and “R” keys at the same time. Once the page reloads, your cart will show the correct pricing as per the current market value.

The “as low as” price is the lowest possible price for a product. To purchase an item for the “as low as” price, customers must pay with one of the discounted payment methods. Also, because quantity discounts apply to most products, the “as low as” price usually pertains to bulk purchases. For example, unless the American Silver Eagle Coin is on sale, customers have to order at least 500 of them and pay with paper check or bank wire to get the “as low as” price.

The precious metals markets close Friday at 5:00 p.m. EST and open Sunday at 6:00 p.m. EST.  Markets are also closed every Monday through Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST.  The spot price remains static when the market is closed.  The prices of precious metals are constantly fluctuating at all other times.

No, we do not price match.


Please note: we do offer quantity discounts, payment discounts, and a variety of sale items each week. 

Our standard pricing is the credit card/PayPal pricing tier. Our costs in processing other payment methods are different, so we can offer discounts on check, wire and ACH payments.

There are many different spot services that dealers can choose to use. Since there isn’t a single spot service, prices may vary slightly from site-to-site. The spot price is determined by futures contracts. As the name suggests, these are contracts for delivery at a point in the future. However, when you purchase from us or another dealer, you do not want your item in several months, you want it as soon as possible. Therefore, we must determine a price for the current moment. This is done by taking the price set by the futures market and performing a time value of money calculation also known as an EFP (Exchange for Physical). There is no agreed-upon way to perform the time value of money calculation. Each company performs its own calculation based on their cost of money and other factors.

As a precious metals dealer, one of the biggest differences between us and a retailer like Amazon is that we sell a product that is constantly fluctuating in price. This adds a layer of complexity to our operations, and to our company policies. The most misunderstood policy that we must enforce is our market loss policy. We’ll explain why it’s necessary here.

All major bullion dealers, including ourselves, fully hedge their precious metals inventories. We make our margins on premium spreads – not on spot price speculation. 

In this industry, it would simply be irresponsible to not be fully hedged at all times. If we wanted to speculate on precious metals prices, we could do that separately without needing to run a complex retail operation with hundreds of products and the workforce to support it.

Once a customer places an order, that price is locked in and therefore no longer subject to spot price changes. We are trusting that the customer will pay for their order, and as a result we un-hedge the metals ordered at that time. This takes place the moment the order is placed, not the moment the order is paid for. The metals are now fully exposed to the gains and losses should the customer decide to back out of the agreement and not pay for the order.

To protect ourselves from the risk of orders being placed and then never being paid for due to market changes, we require a credit card from every customer, regardless of payment method selected, so that we have a way to recoup these losses should the customer not pay for the order.

If the price of precious metals stays the same or goes up and the customer doesn’t pay, we cancel the order without charging a fee since there are no losses to us. If the price goes down, however, we must charge the market loss fee. The market loss fee is the precise amount of money our company will have lost as a result of this unpaid order. We only charge the difference in spot price from the time of order to the time of cancellation. Unlike other dealers, we do not add additional fees or forbid cancelling outright. We simply charge the fees to cover our actual losses, which do not take into account transaction fees and labor costs, but simply the true amount of losses the un-hedging has cost us.

Market Loss Fees Common Questions

It’s not fair, you don’t pay me when the price goes up, why should I pay you when it goes down?

  • Customers looking to speculate on price ought to consider ETFs and not physical retailers of bullion. As you can imagine, we get very few cancellations & unpaid orders for orders where the metal value has since increased. Our cancellation requests are heavily skewed towards orders where the metals have gone down in price.

These losses are not real, you’re just trying to penalize me for cancelling.

  • These losses are entirely real for the reasons listed above. We do not profit from cancelled orders with market loss fees paid, we only break even.

No one was available to cancel my order at the time that I wanted. Now the market has moved against me further. Why am I responsible for those losses?

  • A precious metals purchase is a serious commitment unlike a normal retail purchase. Cancellations are not guaranteed at any time until we have confirmed that it’s cancelled and notified you of the applicable fees.

Why can’t I cancel by email?

  • You can only cancel by email when there are no market fees due. We do not want to cancel an order with fees due without providing you the dollar amount first, so that you can decide whether you want to keep the order after all.

You cancelled my order even though I sent payment. Why is this?

  • In some cases the mail loses a check and payment never arrives. Before we cancel we will send you emails notifying you of the problem, and we will try to work with you on arranging an alternate payment. If we’re unable to get a response from you and the payment doesn’t come through in the allotted time, the order must be cancelled and applicable fees charged.

What if your billing department cancels my order?

  • If our billing department cancels the order due to being unable to properly authenticate payment, no fees will be due regardless of market movements.

What if I don’t agree to pay these fees?